The CPD management module in Stedfast has been designed to allow education and training providers to manage and record staff CPD.

CPD is also hugely important to your staff. They want to grow and develop and being able to manage this efficiently and effectively is critical. The Stedfast CPD module allows education and training providers to easily manage staff CPD. OfSTED and other compliance bodies will also expect to see that CPD is being delivered.

Recording CPD

CPD can be recorded by individual staff or by line managers.

Each CPD record has information about the activity, what professional standards it helps develop, the costs, venue and number of CPD hours. The CPD record is also aligned to organisational development areas.

Staff are also required to identify how the CPD activity will support their professional development.

CPD Approvals

All CPD requests need to be approved by either a line manager, the HR coordinator or the Stedfast system administrator.

Reports are available to track the number of CPD hours that each member of staff has completed annually.

Performance Alignment

As well as managing CPD activities, Stedfast also has a staff performance module that allows organisations to set out performance objectives and then conduct staff appraisals against the.